Doctor Who Exhibtions and Experience
This famous BBC production has produced a science fiction programme since 1963, it is a major part of the BBC schedules and has gained a cult following similar to other science fiction programmes, such as Star Trek.
This interactive experience set has been hosted at various locations across the UK. Props and costumes, including the infamous TARDIS from the TV production sets were on display to the visiting public, along with actors from the series. The actor that played the Doctor at the time was also present on certain days to interact with the public in signing autographs.
The BBC tour production team needed additional help with the experiences and approached Pear OOH. From the initial first relationship, we have been called several times to provide experiential services in the various locations across the UK.
A global brand, one of the most iconic series that has stood the test of time, with it’s growing fan base, enjoyed by several generations, Baby Boomers,Generation X, Millennials, Zoomers and Alpha, all eager to experience the Doctor Who franchise.
During the tour, the aim was to engage with the visitors, to allow supporters of all ages to follow this fantastic brand and have an opportunity to access bespoke merchandise that would otherwise not be accessible to the casual fan. Increasing brand awareness and its growing domestic fan.
Plan of Action
Experiential / Engagement - Our team were fitted out with costumes that portrayed several baddies that the TV series had developed over the years, including the iconic Dalek right down to the very scary Weeping Angels!
The staff were briefed with a plan for the day. Any events during the day programme were highlighted so that opportunities to enhance this brand with the visitors were maximised, combined with the usual highlight of the day when the current actor playing the Doctor was made available to sign autographs.
These included staged picture taking with Instagram style boards, handing out of literature, free merchandise and generally interacting with the fans. Short videos and pictures taken against a green screen background also featured during the day’s events, very popular with the visiting fans.
At the end of each day a de-brief was carried out to collect any highlights and issues that could be fed back to the BBC Tour production team.
Key Outcome
Giving consumers an entertaining time during the tour. Experiential /Engagement - the feedback was so good that we were asked to return several times to carry out this service, staff and managers really embraced the experience with some memorable moments to be cherished for years to come. Boosting this touring attraction by engaging with the fans helped spread the good word of this tour and generate higher awareness.