Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


  1. The company is controlled by a Board of Directors. The company Head Office is located in London, with other offices located in Cardiff, Edinburgh, Derby, and Manchester.

  2. The company specialises in marketing fulfilment predominately in the Arts, Sports, Events and Tourism involving the distribution of printed material to other businesses and to the public across the U.K. & Europe.


Pear OOH Ltd considers that modern slavery encompasses:

  1. Human trafficking;

  2. Forced work, through mental or physical threat;

  3. Being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse;

  4. Being dehumanised, treated as a commodity or being bought or sold as property;

  5. Being physically constrained or to have restriction placed on freedom of movement.


  1. Pear OOH Ltd acknowledges its responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking within its own businesses and in its supply chains. Pear Marketing understands that this requires an ongoing review of both its internal practices in relation to its labour force and its supply chains.

  2. Pear OOH Ltd has a zero tolerance policy towards modern slavery. It will refrain from entering into business, and/or will discontinue any current business with any other organisation which knowingly supports or is found to involve itself in slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.

  3. No labour provided to Pear OOH Ltd in the pursuance of the provision of its own services is obtained by means of slavery or human trafficking.


  1. Pear OOH Ltd considers its exposure to modern slavery to be limited. Nonetheless, it has taken steps to ensure that such practices do not take place in its business nor the business of any organisation that supplies goods and/or services to it.


  1. Pear OOH Ltd carries out due diligence processes in relation to ensuring slavery and/or human trafficking does not take place in its supply chains.

  2. Pear OOH Ltd has not, to its knowledge, conducted any business with another organisation which has been found to have involved itself with slavery and/or human trafficking.

  3. Pear OOH Ltd encourages use of its whistleblowing policy to report any concerns regarding modern slavery and will investigate any complaints thoroughly.


To ensure effectiveness in combatting modern slavery, Pear OOH Ltd maintains an accurate supplier list including contact details.  It will ensure action is taken in response to reports of modern slavery in its supply chains and any complaints made via the whistleblowing policy will be responded to in accordance with the policy.


This statement is made in pursuance of Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2010 and applies to all companies within and associated to The Pear Group (“the Group”). It will be reviewed for each financial year.

This statement relates to the 2022/2023 financial year and is approved by:

Eduardo Stevens , Finance Director

Ed Pereira, Managing Director